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Regular price¥3,300
発売日:December 12, 2021
- 発送予定日:Ships in 1-4 business days
Specifications: liner notes:大貫妙子Mr. Fujiwara Kiichi (Musician), Professor of University of Tokyo Graduate Schools for Law and Politics, Mr. ZAK (Sound Engineer)
坂本龍一held an audience-free online piano solo concert "Ryuichi Sakamoto: Playing the Piano 12122020" last December 12.
The live performance was directed by Rhizomatiks and Zakkubalan was in charge of cinematography, and was broadcast simultaneously worldwide from a studio in Tokyo.
The live performance was a one-night-only event with no archive, making it a rare and precious event that will never be seen again.
Finally, it was decided to release this sound recording on December 12, 2021, the same day one year later. In August this summer, "Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence - version 2020" from this live recording was used as the theme song for TBS TV's "The 76th Anniversary of the End of World War II Project Tsunagu, Tsunagu" campaign.
In addition, "2020s" was released at the end of March this year. BOXThe song "MUJI2020", a commercial song for MUJI, which could only be heard in the "2020s" set released at the end of March of this year, was performed at the end of the live performance and included in the set.
坂本龍一This set list can be said to be the best selection of the "2020s" set, and is the latest live sound source.
Click here to purchase for international shipping.
The live performance was directed by Rhizomatiks and Zakkubalan was in charge of cinematography, and was broadcast simultaneously worldwide from a studio in Tokyo.
The live performance was a one-night-only event with no archive, making it a rare and precious event that will never be seen again.
Finally, it was decided to release this sound recording on December 12, 2021, the same day one year later. In August this summer, "Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence - version 2020" from this live recording was used as the theme song for TBS TV's "The 76th Anniversary of the End of World War II Project Tsunagu, Tsunagu" campaign.
In addition, "2020s" was released at the end of March this year. BOXThe song "MUJI2020", a commercial song for MUJI, which could only be heard in the "2020s" set released at the end of March of this year, was performed at the end of the live performance and included in the set.
坂本龍一This set list can be said to be the best selection of the "2020s" set, and is the latest live sound source.
Click here to purchase for international shipping.
01. Andata02. Bibo no Aozora
03. Aqua
04. Aubade 2020
05. Aoneko no Torso
06. Mizu no Naka no Bagatelle
07. Before Long
08. Perspective
09. Energy Flow
10. The Sheltering Sky
11. The Last Emperor
12.The Seed And The Sower
13. Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
14. MUJI2020
15. Improvisation - 20201212
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