SKU: RZCM-67100X
SKU: RZCM-67100X
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Regular price¥4,950
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Opus" original clear file (1)
*The same as the one offered at some stores and e-commerce sites.
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Passed away on March 28, 2023坂本龍一left behind his last solo piano concert piece "Opus" before passing away. It includes 20 songs that Sakamoto himself chose to leave behind at the end of his life, including the classic "Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence," songs from Sakamoto's last album "12," and "Tong Poo" from his YMO days, which was performed for the first time as a solo piano piece. Sakamoto's trusted crew included director Sorane Oh, cinematographer Bill Kirstein, sound recordist ZAK, editor Kawakami Takuya, and lighting designer Yoshimoto Yukiko. The film has been shown at the Venice International Film Festival, the New York Film Festival, and the Tokyo International Film Festival, and has become a worldwide sensation, attracting 40,000 viewers in its 10-day release in South Korea.
Passed away on March 28, 2023坂本龍一left behind his last solo piano concert piece "Opus" before passing away. It includes 20 songs that Sakamoto himself chose to leave behind at the end of his life, including the classic "Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence," songs from Sakamoto's last album "12," and "Tong Poo" from his YMO days, which was performed for the first time as a solo piano piece. Sakamoto's trusted crew included director Sorane Oh, cinematographer Bill Kirstein, sound recordist ZAK, editor Kawakami Takuya, and lighting designer Yoshimoto Yukiko. The film has been shown at the Venice International Film Festival, the New York Film Festival, and the Tokyo International Film Festival, and has become a worldwide sensation, attracting 40,000 viewers in its 10-day release in South Korea.
Disc 11. Lack of Love
2. BB
3. Andata
4. Solitude
5. for Jóhann
6. Aubade 2020
7. Ichimei - small happiness
8. Mizu no Naka no Bagatelle
9. Bibo no Aozora
10. Aqua
Disc 2
11. Tong Poo
12. The Wuthering Heights
13. 20220302 - sarabande
14. The Sheltering Sky
15. 20180219 (w/prepared piano)
16. The Last Emperor
17. Trioon
18. Happy End
19. Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
20. Opus - ending
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