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Regular price¥3,300
発売日:July 31, 2013
- 発送予定日:Purchases before the release date: Shipped by the release date / Purchases after the release date: Shipped in 1-4 business days
The second collection of soundtrack albums for the NHK historical drama "Yae no Sakura," which aired over the course of a year in 2013.坂本龍一Yae no Sakura" is the music for "Yae no Sakura Main Theme" and "Yae no Theme" (the other music for the drama was composed by Nobuyuki Nakajima), and this album includes "Yae no Sakura Main Theme" and its solo piano version, as well as "Yae no Sakura Kiko", a variation of "Yae no Theme", performed by piano + cello (played by Mari Fujiwara), and "out of noise", performed by the UK's Furukawa Kikugoro. The album also includes a performance of "Yae no Sakura Kiko," a variation of "Yae no Sakura Theme," with piano and cello (performed by Mari Fujiwara), and a performance by Fretwork, a group of British classical instruments that participated in the "out of noise" project.
01: 八重の桜 メインテーマ02: 八重 新たなる決意
03: 八重 新しい時代へ
04: 内なる怒り
05: 幸せの足音
06: 予期せぬ出来事
07: とまどい
08: 暗雲
09: 別離
10: 襄との出会い
11: 時代を切り開く者たち
12: 尊敬と憧れ (piano solo ver.)
13: 会津の女達
14: 会津士魂の純粋
15: 義
16: 開戦
17: 夜襲
18: 対峙
19: 死にゆく者たちへ
20: 幸福のかたち (orchestra ver.)
21: 武士達の挫折
22: 新たなる日常
23: 陰謀
24: 八重の桜 メインテーマ (piano solo ver.)
25: 八重の桜 紀行 (cello & piano ver.) 演奏:藤原真理 + 坂本龍一
26: 八重の桜 紀行 (viola da gamba ver.) 演奏:フレットワーク
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