Tsubame Novelette (CD)
SKU: RZCM-59222

Tsubame Novelette (CD)
SKU: RZCM-59222
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Regular price¥3,300
- 発送予定日:Purchases before the release date: Shipped by the release date / Purchases after the release date: Shipped in 1-4 business days
Carbon Offset CD
Long-awaited fourth original full-length album since September 2009!
After releasing a cover album and a mini album "La memoire de mon bandwagon" in March 2012, the band produced the soundtrack for the documentary film "Light Up Nippon", and released the soundtrack for the film "Shin Shin Shin" starring Miho Nakayama and Osamu Mukai on October 8, 2012. I Have to Buy New Shoes" (Director/Screenplay: Eriko Kitagawa Produced by Shunji Iwai Music Director:坂本龍一), for which he stayed in New York for a month to work on the soundtrack.坂本龍一He stayed in New York for a month to co-produce the soundtrack for the film "I Have to Buy New Shoes" (Director: Eriko Kitagawa, Producer: Shunji Iwai, Music Director: Shunji Iwai).コトリンゴ。
The protagonist of this album is a white swallow. The bandwagon from the previous album "La memoire de mon bandwagon" also makes an appearance. Please enjoy the story woven by the swallows.
When you start listening to the album, the scenery of the city floats in your mind like when you are reading a book, and the characters appear and start to move.
One swallow is the main character. A bandwagon also makes an appearance.
- コトリンゴ
After releasing a cover album and a mini album "La memoire de mon bandwagon" in March 2012, the band produced the soundtrack for the documentary film "Light Up Nippon", and released the soundtrack for the film "Shin Shin Shin" starring Miho Nakayama and Osamu Mukai on October 8, 2012. I Have to Buy New Shoes" (Director/Screenplay: Eriko Kitagawa Produced by Shunji Iwai Music Director:坂本龍一), for which he stayed in New York for a month to work on the soundtrack.坂本龍一He stayed in New York for a month to co-produce the soundtrack for the film "I Have to Buy New Shoes" (Director: Eriko Kitagawa, Producer: Shunji Iwai, Music Director: Shunji Iwai).コトリンゴ。
The protagonist of this album is a white swallow. The bandwagon from the previous album "La memoire de mon bandwagon" also makes an appearance. Please enjoy the story woven by the swallows.
When you start listening to the album, the scenery of the city floats in your mind like when you are reading a book, and the characters appear and start to move.
One swallow is the main character. A bandwagon also makes an appearance.
- コトリンゴ
1. Preamble2. Let me awake
3. minoru
4. ツバメが飛ぶうた
5. かいじゅう
6. Interlude ~Rainy day~
7. テーラー兄弟
8. Madame Swallow
9. Butterfly
10. 冬を待つうた
11. maiden voyage (※)
12. Epilogue ~Where'd the tsubame go?~
13. Lost shoes
(※) BS朝日 「Hello !フォト☆ラバーズ ミル・トル・アルク」エンディング・テーマ曲
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