Christmas Songs (CD)
SKU: RZCM-46628

Christmas Songs (CD)
SKU: RZCM-46628
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Regular price¥2,096
- 発送予定日:Purchases before the release date: Shipped by the release date / Purchases after the release date: Shipped in 1-4 business days
X'mas present from 333DISCS and commmons. A X'mas ALBUM that won't fade away for years to come. 333DISCS and commmons, which have been highly acclaimed by music listeners for their unique musicality and stance, are planning to release a new album that is different from the others.伊藤ゴローThe Christmas ALBUM produced by 333DISCS and commmons, which has been highly acclaimed by music listeners for its unique music and stance.コトリンゴThe album is produced by 333DISCS and commmons, both of which are highly acclaimed by music listeners for their unique musical stance.原田知世、Penguin cafe Orchestraand Sean O'Hagan, as well as many other artists from Japan and the UK.
収録曲1. 原田知世 / Frosty the Snowman
2. 細野晴臣 / Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer [赤鼻のトナカイ]
3. 高橋幸宏 / White Christmas
4. トクマルシューゴ / Christmas Eve~We Wish You a Merry Christmas
5. Sean O’Hagan (The High Llamas) / Kabon's Christmas
6. コトリンゴ / Sleigh Ride [そりすべり]
7. naomi & goro / God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
8. 嶺川貴子 / Listen, The Snow Is Falling
9. 伊藤ゴロー / Snow
10. Arthur Jeffes (The Penguin Cafe) / Finland
11. 坂本龍一 / Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence re-modeled by Goro Ito
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