commmons schola: Live on Television vol.2 Ryuichi Sakamoto Selections: schola TV (DVD)
SKU: RZBM-59558

commmons schola: Live on Television vol.2 Ryuichi Sakamoto Selections: schola TV (DVD)
SKU: RZBM-59558
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Regular price¥4,180
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NHK E-television's popular program "Schola 坂本龍一 commmons schola: performance scenes from "School of Music". Live on Television's second volume.
Schola. 坂本龍一 School of Music" is an internationally acclaimed musician's坂本龍一The project is the lifework of the internationally acclaimed musiciancommmons: schola>The program is an educational program based on the project, which is his life's work. Sakamoto, as a lecturer, conveys the truth of music in a variety of styles to reveal the fascination of music, the great culture created by mankind. The second volume of the program will include live footage broadcast in Season 3.
Season 4 will be broadcast on NHK E-television from January 2014.
<Three themes, "Electronic Music," "Traditional Japanese Music," and "Music of the 20th Century," will be introduced four times each. The program will include a discussion part between Sakamoto and guest lecturers, a workshop part with students, and a special live performance at the end of the program based on the content of the lectures. Broadcast time: Every Thursday from 23:25 to 23:55
Schola. 坂本龍一 School of Music" is an internationally acclaimed musician's坂本龍一The project is the lifework of the internationally acclaimed musiciancommmons: schola>The program is an educational program based on the project
Season 4 will be broadcast on NHK E-television from January 2014.
<Three themes, "Electronic Music," "Traditional Japanese Music," and "Music of the 20th Century," will be introduced four times each. The program will include a discussion part between Sakamoto and guest lecturers, a workshop part with students, and a special live performance at the end of the program based on the content of the lectures. Broadcast time: Every Thursday from 23:25 to 23:55
1. 番組オープニングテーマ2. 故郷の人々(スワニー河)
3. トレイン・ケプト・ア・ローリン
4. スマイル -映画「モダン・タイムス」より
5. アクセプタンス -エンドクレジット (映画「リトル・ブッダ」より)
6. ロマンツォ -映画「1900年」より
7. メリー・クリスマス・ミスター・ローレンス (映画「戦場のメリークリスマス」より)
8. Kete(ケテ) (ガーナ共和国 アシャンティ王国宮廷音楽をもとにしたアレンジ)
9. Djidjo(ジジョ)
10. Butour Ngale(ブトゥンガレ)をモチーフにしたリズム・デモンストレーション
11. ライオット・イン・ラゴス
12. 交響曲第3番 変ホ長調「英雄」第1楽章より
13. レプリカ
14. ラストエンペラー
15. モアレ
16. サイレンス・イズ・ビトレイアル
17. エレクトリック・スティミュラス・トゥ・フェイス 2013
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