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Regular price¥2,420
発売日:December 14, 2011
- 発送予定日:Purchases before the release date: Shipped by the release date / Purchases after the release date: Shipped in 1-4 business days
Super Eco Package Specifications * Carbon Offset DVD
January 9, 2011 (Sun.), the first performance in Korea in about 10 years.
This performance was streamed on USTREAM and also in a "public viewing" format.
More than 160,000 people participated in the USTREAM broadcast in one day, and the event was held at more than 400 public viewing locations.
The live performance was performed by an automatic piano and坂本龍一The live performance consisted of a simple composition of a competition between an automatic piano and a piano played by
LIVEKorean rapper MC Sniper made a guest appearance in the second half.
The video streamed on USTREAM has been completely packaged! You can experience the excitement of that day and the passion of the performance.
Staff credits areclick herefrom
This performance was streamed on USTREAM and also in a "public viewing" format.
More than 160,000 people participated in the USTREAM broadcast in one day, and the event was held at more than 400 public viewing locations.
The live performance was performed by an automatic piano and坂本龍一The live performance consisted of a simple composition of a competition between an automatic piano and a piano played by
LIVEKorean rapper MC Sniper made a guest appearance in the second half.
The video streamed on USTREAM has been completely packaged! You can experience the excitement of that day and the passion of the performance.
Staff credits areclick herefrom
[Disc-1]1. glacier
2. hibari
3. still life
4. in the red
5. nostalgia
6. a flower is not a flower
7. mizu no naka no bagatelle
8. tango
9. bibo no aozora
10. bolerish
11. high heels
12. the last emperor
13. merry christmas mr.lawrence
14. behind the mask
15. tibetan dance
16. thousand knives
17. undercooled
1. glacier
2. improvisation
3. hibari
4. still life
5. in the red
6. nostalgia
7. a flower is not a flower
8. bibo no aozora
9. tango
10. mizu no naka no bagatelle
11. before long
12. loneliness
13. the sheltering sky
14. merry christmas mr.lawrence
15. behind the mask
16. happy end
17. thousand knives
18. undercooled
19. aqua
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