dataplex (CD)
dataplex (CD)
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- 発送予定日:1~4営業日で発送
Pioneer RYOJI IKEDA of a minimalist approach representing Japan 2005 Aphantical album "DataPlex" long-awaited list of long-awaited listing! From the mid-1990s, Ikeda has been active in the world of electronic music and contemporary music as a pioneer of a very influential minimalist approach with radical. His solo album is the first music work "dataplex", the first music work in the Datamatics series, the Datamatics series (data and theme is used in both material and theme), It is a content that shows important surprising evolution in Ikeda's career. Not only is the technical accuracy, instantaneous sound construction, and engineering capabilities of Ikeda, which have already reached the level of others who have already reached others, this album has an interesting overall structure of excellence. Most of the first eight songs recorded in "DataPlex" are made by high frequency raw data. These structures are clearly positioned outside the world of music. Rather, the number of these linear tracks can be heard as converting source code to audible media. The flow of this constant data is the basic material of the album. The following songs increase the more complexity and transform the rhythm structure while obviously correlating. When the rhythm and tone gradually refracted and reaching Data.vortex of the 18th song, Ikeda will make an infinite acoustic space with an open work that is controlled by the song and dramatic. After this caisula (intermediate hindering), the album also reaches an ending that sinks to the data flow, as if it first returns. This last song contains 2-bit errors that are acceptable in some hyphilys and some of them. Thus, this track 20 (Data.Adaplex) not only gives the quality of the stereo quality and reliability of the listener, but also indicates the possibility of a clever digital signal operation. Ikeda has succeeded in expanding and strengthening his own sound design by mini-males with very fine precautions for these details, expanding and strengthening his own sound design and showing new areas to listeners. "DataPlex" opens up the path of pure musical abstraction, while at the same time as a complex and creative and elegant composition with one artist. "DataPlex" also has its own mystery. In order to solve the mystery, it is necessary to find out and discover individual individuals. It is a work that refuses proper definitions, explanations and comparisons, but supports the pioneering nature of this work that is a long-awaited release. Datamatics. "DataPlex" is the first music work in the Datamatics series, and using the data itself by Ikeda, new works that explore the artistic possibilities of data such as substance quality, super velocity, and high diffusion from the transparency It is. This project tries to derive data specific universality hidden from DNA to universe and pure mathematics from the DNA, pure mathematics.
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