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Regular price¥2,409
発売日:May 9, 2013
- 発送予定日:Ships in 1-4 business days
- 重要なお知らせ
- ※こちらの商品は数量限定のため、予定枚数に達し次第、販売は終了致します。予めご了承ください。
Up-and-coming creators representing JapanAOKI takamasahas finally completed a new album, his first in four years!
strike, chop, puncture, puncture, clash, polish, polish, distort, twist, play, squeeze, spread, cut, tension, overlap, shift, bend, creak, numb, separate, pile up, slip out, envelop, melt, shake, glow, haze, transparent, shave, weave, intersect, bind, unravel, solidify, tremble, dive, sink, jump, float, leap, flow, spring up, echo each other, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate RV8" (text : kohei terazono)
Aoki Takamasa, one of Japan's leading electronic music creators who has released music on popular labels such as PROGRESSIVE FOrM, Op.disc, and COMMMONS, is releasing his new album "RV8" (text : kohei terazono) after 4 years since his last album "Private Party".raster-notonThe Japanese release is now confirmed!
In 2009, Aoki released his first album "RV8" on the prestigious German electronic music labelraster-notonAoki further explored the rhythmic and groove variations that he focused on in his 12-inch "Rhythm Variations," released on the prestigious German electronic music label in 2009, with the release of "RV8. (The title "RV8" is an acronym for the original title "Rhythm Variation 8″.)
Almost all of the tracks are composed of constant variations of chords and phrases, and the smooth flow of the album is like a DJ set. The sharp and glossy electronic sound is meticulously programmed with each note polished and polished, and the rhythmic styles with various expressions such as four beats, broken beats, and down beats, and the stoic minimalism is interspersed with playful sound processing and voice samples, while still maintaining a danceable and powerful sound approach with the floor in mind. The sound approach is powerful and floor-oriented, with playful sound effects and voice samples scattered throughout the minimalism. The clear, tight beats and swirling bass line are as lean as ever, and the cool funkiness overflows with a powerful minimal groove! Mastering was done by Yoshinori Sunahara.
The Japanese version includes a download coupon for the bonus track "rhythm variation 09".
strike, chop, puncture, puncture, clash, polish, polish, distort, twist, play, squeeze, spread, cut, tension, overlap, shift, bend, creak, numb, separate, pile up, slip out, envelop, melt, shake, glow, haze, transparent, shave, weave, intersect, bind, unravel, solidify, tremble, dive, sink, jump, float, leap, flow, spring up, echo each other, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate, resonate RV8" (text : kohei terazono)
Aoki Takamasa, one of Japan's leading electronic music creators who has released music on popular labels such as PROGRESSIVE FOrM, Op.disc, and COMMMONS, is releasing his new album "RV8" (text : kohei terazono) after 4 years since his last album "Private Party".raster-notonThe Japanese release is now confirmed!
In 2009, Aoki released his first album "RV8" on the prestigious German electronic music labelraster-notonAoki further explored the rhythmic and groove variations that he focused on in his 12-inch "Rhythm Variations," released on the prestigious German electronic music label in 2009, with the release of "RV8. (The title "RV8" is an acronym for the original title "Rhythm Variation 8″.)
Almost all of the tracks are composed of constant variations of chords and phrases, and the smooth flow of the album is like a DJ set. The sharp and glossy electronic sound is meticulously programmed with each note polished and polished, and the rhythmic styles with various expressions such as four beats, broken beats, and down beats, and the stoic minimalism is interspersed with playful sound processing and voice samples, while still maintaining a danceable and powerful sound approach with the floor in mind. The sound approach is powerful and floor-oriented, with playful sound effects and voice samples scattered throughout the minimalism. The clear, tight beats and swirling bass line are as lean as ever, and the cool funkiness overflows with a powerful minimal groove! Mastering was done by Yoshinori Sunahara.
The Japanese version includes a download coupon for the bonus track "rhythm variation 09".
●RHYTHM-VARIATION -01他 全8曲収録予定
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