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Regular price¥3,850
発売日:February 27, 2009
- 発送予定日:Ships in about 3 weeks
This is a documentary on a person who reveals the life of a leading professional in various fields in the form of an interview! We ask them to share their gems of wisdom that will reach the hearts of viewers 100 years from now.
This is the long-awaited DVD version of the program that was broadcast on NHK BS HD on April 10, 2008 and received a favorable reception.
This is the long-awaited DVD version of the program that was broadcast on NHK BS HD on April 10, 2008 and received a favorable reception.
【発行元】NHKエンタープライズメディア: DVD
組枚数: 1
・NHK BS hiで放送中のインタビュー番組「100年インタビュー」のDVD化。
・聞き手・・・渡邊あゆみアナウンサー (2008年4月10日放送)
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