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Regular price¥2,420
発売日:January 22, 2003
- 発送予定日:Ships in 1-10 business days
This memorable first album embodies the concept of YMO's formation: "Martin Denny's Firecracker in a Giorgio Moroder-esque disco version" and "the misunderstood image of the Orient from a foreigner's point of view.
The year 1978 was also the year that marked the beginning of the "techno" era, with the debut of "DEVO" and the release of "Ningen Kaitai (Human Dissection)" by Kraftwerk.
It started with music for video games, which were at the height of their popularity at the time, and included the aforementioned "Fire," "East Wind," "Chinese Woman," "Mad Clown," which took its title from a Godard movie, and "Pacific," an album released in June of the same year that featured Haruomi Hosono, Tatsuro Yamashita, Shigeru Suzuki, and others. YMO version of "Cosmic Surfing," which was included on the album "Pacific," released in June of that year.
The reissue includes the latest "YMO Review Interview" with Ryuichi Sakamoto and Yukihiro Takahashi, as well as a reissue of Haruomi Hosono's 1999 Toshiba disc. 1999 Hosono remastered sound sources were used. <Original release: November 25, 1978.
The year 1978 was also the year that marked the beginning of the "techno" era, with the debut of "DEVO" and the release of "Ningen Kaitai (Human Dissection)" by Kraftwerk.
It started with music for video games, which were at the height of their popularity at the time, and included the aforementioned "Fire," "East Wind," "Chinese Woman," "Mad Clown," which took its title from a Godard movie, and "Pacific," an album released in June of the same year that featured Haruomi Hosono, Tatsuro Yamashita, Shigeru Suzuki, and others. YMO version of "Cosmic Surfing," which was included on the album "Pacific," released in June of that year.
The reissue includes the latest "YMO Review Interview" with Ryuichi Sakamoto and Yukihiro Takahashi, as well as a reissue of Haruomi Hosono's 1999 Toshiba disc. 1999 Hosono remastered sound sources were used. <Original release: November 25, 1978.
1. コンピューター・ゲーム“サーカスのテーマ”2. ファイアークラッカー
3. シムーン
4. コズミック・サーフィン
5. コンピューター・ゲーム“インベーダーのテーマ”
6. 東風
7. 中国女
8. ブリッジ・オーバー・トラブルド・ミュージック
9. マッド・ピエロ
10. アクロバット
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