my commmons towel

my commmons towel

my commmons towel

  • In stock, ready to ship
  • Inventory on the way
Regular price ¥628
  • 発送予定日:1~10営業日以内に発送
Reference price. The amount including shipping charges, duties and taxes will be finalized at checkout.

COMMMONSMART Original "My CommMons" series appeared in a standard item towel! Similar to MY CommMons T-SHIRTS, as well as MY COMMONS T-SHIRTS, it is an item of commitment, which printed eight messages with "My" by Sakamoto Ryuichi General, and the material is a thin and easy to carry hot spring towel. Only when bathing at hot springs or home, as well as wiping sweat or winding it, and take advantage of various situations? This product is a "carbon offset" product. CO2 (= 0.92 kg per 1 sheet), which is estimated that this product is discharged / discharged by production, distribution and discarding processes, Moretrees offset (offset) by a afforestation project that works in Philippines Kirino. In addition, about 6 kg of CO2 for one of the Japanese people in Japan, about 6 kg of CO2 is included.
Offset details are available at

[Size] Vertical: 358mm × Horizontal: 820mm
100% cotton
[Body native country] China
[Print processing] Japan

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