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Regular price¥3,850
発売日:March 29, 2017
- 発送予定日:Purchase until the release date: Shipping by the day of release / after release date Purchase: Shipped in 1-4 business days
The latest solo album released in 2017.
It is an ambitious work that opened a new frontier after two years of medical treatment, and has been held several times, mainly this album.
While the previous work "Out of NOISE" was an organic acoustic work that does not use a synthesizer at all, here is a lot of analog synthesizers including vintage.
The idea at the beginning of the production is a fictional Tarcovsky movie soundtrack, and all songs will strongly evoke the image of each video.
In fact, after the announcement of the album, Shiro Takatani, Aphatpon, Willacoon, Zakkubalan and others were visualized.
In recent concerts, it includes a new representative song "Andata". It was also a hot topic that "Life, Life" in Paul Bowls in the movie "Shelttering Sky" in "Fullmoon" was used in Life, Life.
坂本龍一Original album for the first time in 8 years! !
It is an ambitious work that opened a new frontier after two years of medical treatment, and has been held several times, mainly this album.
While the previous work "Out of NOISE" was an organic acoustic work that does not use a synthesizer at all, here is a lot of analog synthesizers including vintage.
The idea at the beginning of the production is a fictional Tarcovsky movie soundtrack, and all songs will strongly evoke the image of each video.
In fact, after the announcement of the album, Shiro Takatani, Aphatpon, Willacoon, Zakkubalan and others were visualized.
In recent concerts, it includes a new representative song "Andata". It was also a hot topic that "Life, Life" in Paul Bowls in the movie "Shelttering Sky" in "Fullmoon" was used in Life, Life.
坂本龍一Original album for the first time in 8 years! !
01. andata アンダータ02. disintegration ディスインテグレーション
03. solari ソラリ
04. ZURE ズレ
05. walker ウォーカー
06. stakra スタークラ
07. ubi ユビ
08. fullmoon フルムーン
09. async アシンク
10. tri トゥリ
11. Life, Life ライフ、ライフ
12. honj ホンジ
13. ff エフエフ
14. garden ガーデン
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