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Regular price¥3,300
発売日:April 24, 2013
- 発送予定日:Purchases before the release date: Shipped by the release date / Purchases after the release date: Shipped in 1-4 business days
I listen to Mr. Fujikura's music with a pleasant surprise that there are still interesting sounds to be found. (See the following page for more information.坂本龍一)
The "Composers' Exhibition" is an exhibition of internationally active young composers.藤倉 大Composers' Solo Exhibitions" will be held on October 11, 2012, at the Suntory Hall Main Hall.藤倉 大The album includes the performance at the "Composers' Solo Exhibition 2012-.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, with conductor Tatsuya Shimono and soloist Pascal Gallois (bassoon), will perform Fujikura's orchestral works, including commissioned new works and recent works selected by Fujikura, for the first time in Japan.
Based in England, Fujikura has won many composition awards since his twenties, and has already received commissions from many countries.
The "Composers' Exhibition" is an exhibition of internationally active young composers.藤倉 大Composers' Solo Exhibitions" will be held on October 11, 2012, at the Suntory Hall Main Hall.藤倉 大The album includes the performance at the "Composers' Solo Exhibition 2012-.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, with conductor Tatsuya Shimono and soloist Pascal Gallois (bassoon), will perform Fujikura's orchestral works, including commissioned new works and recent works selected by Fujikura, for the first time in Japan.
Based in England, Fujikura has won many composition awards since his twenties, and has already received commissions from many countries.
1. TOCAR Y LUCHAR FOR ORCHESTRA /「トカール・イ・ルチャール」オーケストラのための (2010)2. BASSOON CONCERTO / バスーン協奏曲 (2012)
3. MIRRORS - 12 celli version / ミラーズ – 12人のチェロ奏者版 (2009/2012)
4. ATOM FOR ORCHESTRA / 「アトム」オーケストラのための (2009)
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