commmons schola: Live on Television vol. 1 Ryuichi Sakamoto Selections: schola TV (DVD)

commmons schola: Live on Television vol. 1 Ryuichi Sakamoto Selections: schola TV (DVD)
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Regular price¥4,180
発売日:June 20, 2012
- 発送予定日:Purchases before the release date: Shipped by the release date / Purchases after the release date: Shipped in 1-4 business days
Carbon Offset DVD
schola" in 2010 and 2011 坂本龍一 Included selections from the music performed in the "School of Music" program, with the goal of providing an academic delve into all genres of music, from classical to rock to ethnic music,坂本龍一The CD series "schola" is a life's work for the "School of Music" program, which aims to explore all genres of music from classical to rock and ethnic music in a scholarly manner.
The TV program adaptation of this series, which has been under consideration since the CD project was launched, is "schola," which started in 2010 on NHK E-television. 坂本龍一 The program has received unusually high viewer ratings on NHK E-television every time it is shown. For the first time坂本龍一The main attractions of this program, in which "schola" appeared regularly on TV for the first time, are the lectures given in workshops with the students and the many pieces performed in the program (with gorgeous guests from each genre, making it a dream come true). This time, the program is being produced in the form of "schola" from 2010 and 2011, featuring the complete performances, including some that were edited or cut out during the on-air program. 坂本龍一 This album contains a selection of songs performed in the "schola (school of music)" programs in 2010 and 2011, including some that were edited and cut from the on-air performances.♪
The TV program adaptation of this series, which has been under consideration since the CD project was launched, is "schola," which started in 2010 on NHK E-television. 坂本龍一 The program has received unusually high viewer ratings on NHK E-television every time it is shown. For the first time坂本龍一The main attractions of this program, in which "schola" appeared regularly on TV for the first time, are the lectures given in workshops with the students and the many pieces performed in the program (with gorgeous guests from each genre, making it a dream come true). This time, the program is being produced in the form of "schola" from 2010 and 2011, featuring the complete performances, including some that were edited or cut out during the on-air program. 坂本龍一 This album contains a selection of songs performed in the "schola (school of music)" programs in 2010 and 2011, including some that were edited and cut from the on-air performances.♪
1. 番組オープニングテーマ - 坂本 龍一Opening Theme- Ryuichi Sakamoto
坂本 龍一(Pf)
2. ゴルトべルク変奏曲25 ト短調 BWV988 - J.S.バッハ
Goldberg-Variationen BWV.988 Variatio 25. Adagio – J.S.Bach
坂本 龍一(Cemb)
3. マタイ受難曲第39番 「神よあわれみたまえ」 BWV244 - J.S.バッハ
Matthäus-Passion BWV 244 Nr.39 Arie (Alt) "Erbarme dich, mein Gott"–
坂本 龍一(Pf) 、藤原 真理(Vc)
4. 「BACH」の主題による即興演奏 - 坂本 龍一
Improvisation on the theme of "BACH"- Ryuichi Sakamoto
坂本 龍一(Pf)
5. ミステリオーソ - セロニアス・モンク
Misterioso - Thelonious Monk
坂本 龍一(Pf)、山下 洋輔(Pf) 、田中 邦和(Sx)、高瀬 裕(B) 、ASA-CHANG(Drs)
6. マイ・フーリッシュ・ハート - ビクター・ヤング
My Foolish Heart - Victor Young
坂本 龍一(Pf) 、山下 洋輔(Pf)
7. 千のナイフ - 坂本 龍一
Thousand Knives - Ryuichi Sakamoto
坂本 龍一(Key)、細野 晴臣(EB)、高橋 幸宏(Drs)、小山田 圭吾(EG)、権藤
知彦(Flh, Electronics)
8. サンキュー・フォー・トーキン・トゥ・ミー・アフリカ - スライ & ザ・
Thank You For Talkin' To Me Africa – Sly & The Family Stone
(Sylvester Stewart)
坂本 龍一(Key)、細野 晴臣(EB)、高橋 幸宏(Drs) 、小山田 圭吾(EG)、権藤
9. ワークショップ即興合奏
Improvisation from the workshop
坂本 龍一(Pf)、細野 晴臣(EB)、高橋 幸宏(Drs)、祖師谷小学校児童
10.ピアノソナタ第14番嬰ハ短調作品27-2 “月光” 1楽章 - ベートーヴェン
Sonate für Klavier Nr.14 cis-Moll "Sonata quasi una
Op.27-2 - Beethoven
坂本 龍一(Pf)
11.ピアノソナタ第12番ヘ長調K.332 2楽章 - モーツァルト
Sonate für Klavier Nr.12 F-Dur K.332 Mov.2 Adagio - Mozart
坂本 龍一(Pf)
12.ハイドンの名によるメヌエット - ラヴェル
Menuet sur le nom de Haydn - Ravel
坂本 龍一(Pf)
13.前奏曲集第1巻 6 雪の上の足跡 - ドビュッシー
Préludes 1-6 Des pas sur la neige - Debussy
坂本 龍一(Pf)
14.天国の英雄的な門への前奏曲 - サティ
Prélude de la porte héroïque du ciel - Satie
坂本 龍一(Pf)
15.ドビュッシー、サティ、ラヴェルをモチーフにした即興演奏 - 坂本 龍一
Improvisation on the theme of Debussy, Satie and Ravel - Ryuichi Sakamoto
坂本 龍一(Pf)
16.ビハインド・ザ・マスク - 坂本 龍一
Behind The Mask – Ryuichi Sakamoto
坂本 龍一(Key) 、高野 寛(Vo, EG)、小山田 圭吾(EG)、清水 ひろたか
(EG)、細野 晴臣(EB)、あらき ゆうこ(Drs)
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