How many more times will I watch the full moon rise? (Book)
SKU: 9784104106035
Ryuichi Sakamoto (Author)
Realizing that he had only a short time left to live, Professor Sakamoto began to speak. He talks about the philosophy that underpins his creative work and social movements, his diverse activities that transcend national borders, his thoughts on the history of the Sakamoto family and his family, living with cancer, and the world after he has left.
This is the definitive autobiography that succeeds "Music Makes Free" (2009), which recounts his life from childhood to age 57, and bequeathed his footprints until his final days to the future. Included is a newly written manuscript by his close ally, Masafumi Suzuki, describing the last days of the author's life.
Publisher : Shinchosha
Book : 288 pages
Language : Japanese (written entirely in Japanese)
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