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Regular price¥3,666
発売日:June 27, 2012
- 発送予定日:Purchases before the release date: Shipped by the release date / Purchases after the release date: Shipped in 1-4 business days
Their first full-length album, which is attracting attention not only in the music world but also in the world of media art as an up-and-coming artist group, docks an old-fashioned "open-reel deck" with a modern computer, and their precise and daring live performance has the whole world in a frenzy.Open Reel Ensemble(Open Reel Ensemble).
The five members, all in their early twenties, fuse old-generation recording equipment and digital devices to create a world that no one has ever seen or heard before, and present it to you in full in sound and visual form.
Yukihiro Takahashi,やくしまるえつこand Matsuo Ohno, among others.
(This site has been tested with Google Chrome 3.0, Firefox 3.5, Safari 5, Internet Explorer 9, Opera 10.5 or later)
The five members, all in their early twenties, fuse old-generation recording equipment and digital devices to create a world that no one has ever seen or heard before, and present it to you in full in sound and visual form.
Yukihiro Takahashi,やくしまるえつこand Matsuo Ohno, among others.
(This site has been tested with Google Chrome 3.0, Firefox 3.5, Safari 5, Internet Explorer 9, Opera 10.5 or later)
【CD】●1. Taprologue
●2. Degulated Jaz
●3. Encue
●4. Gone with 高橋幸宏
●5. Tape Machine with Money Mark + 井深大
●6. Atom Hertz Father with 大野松雄
●7. Exchange
●8. Open Garudaat with 屋敷豪太
●9. Chairs for Man and Spirits
●10. Holon F
●11. Another Lorecast with やくしまるえつこ
●12. Memory from 1971 with やくしまるえつこ
●13. Joseph Voice 9.5cm/s with Franz Joseph I. + 屋敷豪太
●14. Tapilogue
- Operation -
01 Degulated Jaz
02 Fanfare for M *DVDのみ収録
03 Cueing Noiz *DVDのみ収録
04 Joseph Voice *DVDバージョン
05 Holon F
06 Another Lorecast
07 Recurrent Fever *DVDのみ収録
- Endurance -
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