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Regular price¥4,950
発売日:January 29, 2025
- 発送予定日:Purchases before the release date: Shipped by the release date / Purchases after the release date: Shipped in 1-4 business days
- 重要なお知らせ
- ※こちらの商品は数に限りがあり、予定枚数に達し次第、当サイトでの販売は終了させて頂きますので予めご了承ください。
Original sticker (1)
The sticker is the same for Vol. 1 to Vol. 6.
The sticker will be the same as the one attached at some stores and e-commerce sites.
Sound over music. Because of his continued obsession with the little things.坂本龍一Micro Ambient" is a collection of tributes to the music of the late Music』。
Micro Ambient" is a four-hour feature film of 39 previously unreleased works by 41 musicians from Japan and abroad that pays tribute to Sakamoto's late works.
There are many definitions of ambient music that can be played to bring tranquility. Among them坂本龍一s pursuit is evident in the music of his later years, when he began to make extensive use of field recordings, noise, and other non-instrumental sounds. Micro Ambient MusicMicro Ambient" is a memorial work spun by musicians who admired Sakamoto's music of that period.
Vol. 1-6 will be released on May 29, 2024 in analog and digital formats.
Micro Ambient" is a four-hour feature film of 39 previously unreleased works by 41 musicians from Japan and abroad that pays tribute to Sakamoto's late works.
There are many definitions of ambient music that can be played to bring tranquility. Among them坂本龍一s pursuit is evident in the music of his later years, when he began to make extensive use of field recordings, noise, and other non-instrumental sounds. Micro Ambient MusicMicro Ambient" is a memorial work spun by musicians who admired Sakamoto's music of that period.
Vol. 1-6 will be released on May 29, 2024 in analog and digital formats.
Vol. 530. Tomoyoshi Date / Placement Of The Drops
31. Federico Durand / Alguien escribió su nombre en el vidrio empañado
32. Marcus Fischer / Overlapse
33. Taylor Deupree / A Small Morning Garden
34. Chihei Hatakeyama / Mexican Restaurant
35. Stijn Hüwels / Shinsetsu
36. hakobune / hotarubune
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- ※商品数には限りがありますので、在庫がなくなり次第、販売終了とさせていただきます。
- ※商品画像はイメージです。実際の商品とは多少異なる場合がございますのでご了承ください。
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