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Regular price¥1,782
発売日:July 13, 2023
- 発送予定日:Ships within 1-7 business days
坂本龍一What exactly was the
A note to pass on to the younger generation as much accurate information as possible about the range and depth of the project.
David Sylvian, Keigo Oyamada, Simon Reynolds, ZAK, Koichiro Kokubun, Masakazu Kitanaka, Gen Hirai, Fennesz, Alva Noto, Reiko Yuyama, Masanobu Kondo, Taylor Dupree, and others.
Essays, discussions, and discographies by British journalists, American journalists, and black writers. Etc.
Interviews, essays, and words of testimonials that you will never read anywhere else.
Publisher] Nippan IPS
A note to pass on to the younger generation as much accurate information as possible about the range and depth of the project.
David Sylvian, Keigo Oyamada, Simon Reynolds, ZAK, Koichiro Kokubun, Masakazu Kitanaka, Gen Hirai, Fennesz, Alva Noto, Reiko Yuyama, Masanobu Kondo, Taylor Dupree, and others.
Essays, discussions, and discographies by British journalists, American journalists, and black writers. Etc.
Interviews, essays, and words of testimonials that you will never read anywhere else.
Publisher] Nippan IPS
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