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Regular price¥2,200
発売日:September 27, 2023
- 発送予定日:Ships in about 2 weeks
Published Sakamoto Books, a memoir of 36 people whom Ryuichi Sakamoto admired, from memory and imagination.
Ryuichi Sakamoto always had a book by his side.
Even at his temporary residence in Tokyo, he had a special bookshelf where he stored old and new books. Ryuichi Sakamoto was such an unparalleled book lover and bibliophile that he once said, "My dream was to one day become an antiquarian bookstore owner.
This book contains 36 installments of the "Sakamoto Books" series that appeared in Fujingaho from 2018 to 2022, plus a newly transcribed interview with Masafumi Suzuki, an editor and longtime friend of Ryuichi Sakamoto, titled "Sakamoto Books in 2023 (tentative)" in 2023.
It starts with a book, is made aware of a book, and is convinced by a book.
Ryuichi Sakamoto's memoirs and imagined personalities that emerge through the medium of books will now be released by Value Books Publishing, a publishing label of Value Books!
Book selection and narration by Ryuichi Sakamoto
Text and composition: Ito Soken
Photography: Neo Sora
Ryuichi Sakamoto always had a book by his side.
Even at his temporary residence in Tokyo, he had a special bookshelf where he stored old and new books. Ryuichi Sakamoto was such an unparalleled book lover and bibliophile that he once said, "My dream was to one day become an antiquarian bookstore owner.
This book contains 36 installments of the "Sakamoto Books" series that appeared in Fujingaho from 2018 to 2022, plus a newly transcribed interview with Masafumi Suzuki, an editor and longtime friend of Ryuichi Sakamoto, titled "Sakamoto Books in 2023 (tentative)" in 2023.
It starts with a book, is made aware of a book, and is convinced by a book.
Ryuichi Sakamoto's memoirs and imagined personalities that emerge through the medium of books will now be released by Value Books Publishing, a publishing label of Value Books!
Book selection and narration by Ryuichi Sakamoto
Text and composition: Ito Soken
Photography: Neo Sora
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