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Regular price¥12,100
発売日:July 3, 2024
- 発送予定日:Ships in 1-4 business days
- 重要なお知らせ
- ※こちらの商品・特典は数に限りがあり、予定枚数に達し次第、当サイトでの販売は終了させて頂きますので予めご了承ください。
First analog version of the collaborative album released in 2010!
坂本龍一to the past songs of大貫妙子The album includes new lyrics written by the two of them, their previous collaboration work together, a children's song "Akatonbo", and a new song "a
life". The simplicity of the presentation, with only piano and song, conveys the rich history of the two since the early 1970s. The main program, of course, includes improvisations.坂本龍一The complete disc also includes a bonus disc of only the performances of the two musicians, including improvisations.
坂本龍一to the past songs of大貫妙子The album includes new lyrics written by the two of them, their previous collaboration work together, a children's song "Akatonbo", and a new song "a
life". The simplicity of the presentation, with only piano and song, conveys the rich history of the two since the early 1970s. The main program, of course, includes improvisations.坂本龍一The complete disc also includes a bonus disc of only the performances of the two musicians, including improvisations.
DISC1-A1. 美貌の青空 | Bibo no Aozora
2. Tango
3. 3びきのくま | Sambiki no Kuma
4. 赤とんぼ | Aka Tombo
5. 夏色の服 | Natsuiro no Fuku
6. Antinomy
7. Flower
8. 鉄道員 | Poppoya
9. a life
10. 四季 | Shiki
11. 風の道 | Kaze no Michi
1. 美貌の青空 | Bibo no Aozora
2. Tango
3. koko
4. 赤とんぼ | Aka Tombo
5. 夏色の服 | Natsuiro no Fuku
6. Lost theme - Femme Fatale
7. A flower is not a flower
8. Aqua
9. Geimori
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- ※商品数には限りがありますので、在庫がなくなり次第、販売終了とさせていただきます。
- ※商品画像はイメージです。実際の商品とは多少異なる場合がございますのでご了承ください。
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