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Regular price¥3,300
発売日:November 9, 2011
- 発送予定日:Purchases before the release date: Shipped by the release date / Purchases after the release date: Shipped in 1-4 business days
Permanent specification ■Repack
*Carbon offset CD
ASA-CHANG, former leader of Tokyo Ska Paradise OrchestraNEW Album!
ASA-CHANG's unique live performances and playing have attracted attention since his days with Ska Paradaisu Orchestra, but since becoming independent, he has become known as a drummer and percussionist through his numerous session works, and has established his own unique style of approaching music. His unique, one-of-a-kind beats are both powerful and subtle, and have earned him the admiration of many artists. ASA-CHANG's long-awaited collection of works (composed, arranged, and produced)! ASA-CHANG's various activities, which move easily between pop and avant-garde, have attracted a lot of attention.☆
ASA-CHANG's unique live performances and playing have attracted attention since his days with Ska Paradaisu Orchestra, but since becoming independent, he has become known as a drummer and percussionist through his numerous session works, and has established his own unique style of approaching music. His unique, one-of-a-kind beats are both powerful and subtle, and have earned him the admiration of many artists. ASA-CHANG's long-awaited collection of works (composed, arranged, and produced)! ASA-CHANG's various activities, which move easily between pop and avant-garde, have attracted a lot of attention.☆
01: DUCA / CHARA02: 恋人が眠ったあとに唄う歌 / ムーンライダーズ
03: 今、パークウェイ / 一十三十一
04: Preach / KAZMI with Rickies
05: ストンピン・アット・ザ・サボイ / ピラニアンズ
06: さよならの秘密 / 市井由理
07: 閃光 (ALBUM Ver.) / UA
08: 小さな木の実 / 畠山美由紀 with ASA-CHANG & ブルーハッツ
09: ロック ステディ ガール / 小島麻由美
10: 小泉今日子はブギウギブギ / 小泉今日子
11: 本当の出来事 / サケロックオールスターズ
12: エマニエル夫人のテーマ (REAL SLAVE MIX) / ブロンソンズ、ASAーCHANG、ヒゲオヤジーズ合唱団
13: POPSTARS / Nelories
14: 黒の舟歌 / 暴力温泉芸者
15: 白き都 / 栗原淳
16: ここに幸あり / 広瀬香美
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