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発売日:June 4, 2008
- 発送予定日:Ships in 1-4 business days
坂本龍一and "xerrox," and other collaborations withalva notoThe latest work, "unitxt", is a sound work based on digital files such as jepg and excel!
After releasing "transall cycle" and "xerrox",alva notoAfter releasing "transall cycle" and "xerrox", the band is now releasing "unitxt", a sequel to the "transspray ep" released in 2004. raster-notonThe album was recorded during the Japan tour of 2006-2007, and was finalized in Berlin in early 2008.alva notoThe album is a masterpiece that sounds the ever-evolving concept of the band with a more rhythmic approach. The concept is the same as that of "innocence -" which is included in bj?rk's "innocence ep" released last year. alva noto unitxt remodel 12" version" which is included in bj?rk's "innocence ep" released last year. unitxt" means rhythm as the common language of the world, and the text of a unit (unit). For example, mathematics: constants, surveying, identifiers, SI system, etc. are expressed by the sounds and words that make up the symbols.
The 'unit' - the title of the album as originally conceived - is the name of a club in Daikanyama, Tokyo, where tracks are assembled on a 120 bpm grid to form different rhythmic units, or modules. Then, in collaboration with French sound poet anne-james chaton, we built the language component of the recording and finally titled it "unitxt".
The title "unitxt" was finally chosen. anne-james chaton's voice and writing are featured on "u_07" and "u_08-1." "u_07" is the first of the two tracks on the album. u_07" is a song called 'the artist The "u_07" is based on the concept of 'the who does sound' (the artist who makes sound),alva notou_07" is a work that describes Carsten Nicolai, aka "carsten nicolai," by translating notes in his wallet, credit cards, bills, nouns, etc., into text. In "u_08-1," anne-james chaton uses a simple but infinite mathematical concept, the golden ratio division of numbers. The 15 tracks from track 11 are the core recordings of unitxt. These sounds are converted from digital files such as jpeg and excel. These tracks are positioned as the code that will be mixed and played with the first 10 tracks, as well as a new concept of incorporating sound effects into the work.
In late June 2008, a video was made of an event held in Mannheim, Germany, to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the German government.坂本龍一In late June 2008, "utp_" (DVD, CD, and score), a collaboration work with the "K" group, will be released in Japan. In addition, at OPEN SPACE 2008, currently being held at ICC (NTT InterCommunication Center), he exhibited "invertone" as carsten niccolai, which allows visitors to experience a state of silence through the phase action of sound. In addition to playing throughout Europe, "unitxt" will be touring in North America in May 2008, South America in October 2008, and Japan in November 2008. His latest work "unitxt" is a continuous evolution of his music, always in the right place at the right time.alva notoThe latest "unitxt" is a masterpiece of the band!
After releasing "transall cycle" and "xerrox",alva notoAfter releasing "transall cycle" and "xerrox", the band is now releasing "unitxt", a sequel to the "transspray ep" released in 2004. raster-notonThe album was recorded during the Japan tour of 2006-2007, and was finalized in Berlin in early 2008.alva notoThe album is a masterpiece that sounds the ever-evolving concept of the band with a more rhythmic approach. The concept is the same as that of "innocence -" which is included in bj?rk's "innocence ep" released last year. alva noto unitxt remodel 12" version" which is included in bj?rk's "innocence ep" released last year. unitxt" means rhythm as the common language of the world, and the text of a unit (unit). For example, mathematics: constants, surveying, identifiers, SI system, etc. are expressed by the sounds and words that make up the symbols.
The 'unit' - the title of the album as originally conceived - is the name of a club in Daikanyama, Tokyo, where tracks are assembled on a 120 bpm grid to form different rhythmic units, or modules. Then, in collaboration with French sound poet anne-james chaton, we built the language component of the recording and finally titled it "unitxt".
The title "unitxt" was finally chosen. anne-james chaton's voice and writing are featured on "u_07" and "u_08-1." "u_07" is the first of the two tracks on the album. u_07" is a song called 'the artist The "u_07" is based on the concept of 'the who does sound' (the artist who makes sound),alva notou_07" is a work that describes Carsten Nicolai, aka "carsten nicolai," by translating notes in his wallet, credit cards, bills, nouns, etc., into text. In "u_08-1," anne-james chaton uses a simple but infinite mathematical concept, the golden ratio division of numbers. The 15 tracks from track 11 are the core recordings of unitxt. These sounds are converted from digital files such as jpeg and excel. These tracks are positioned as the code that will be mixed and played with the first 10 tracks, as well as a new concept of incorporating sound effects into the work.
In late June 2008, a video was made of an event held in Mannheim, Germany, to commemorate the 400th anniversary of the German government.坂本龍一In late June 2008, "utp_" (DVD, CD, and score), a collaboration work with the "K" group, will be released in Japan. In addition, at OPEN SPACE 2008, currently being held at ICC (NTT InterCommunication Center), he exhibited "invertone" as carsten niccolai, which allows visitors to experience a state of silence through the phase action of sound. In addition to playing throughout Europe, "unitxt" will be touring in North America in May 2008, South America in October 2008, and Japan in November 2008. His latest work "unitxt" is a continuous evolution of his music, always in the right place at the right time.alva notoThe latest "unitxt" is a masterpiece of the band!
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