Tribute to Taeko Onuki (2CD)
SKU: RZCM-59438
Tribute to Taeko Onuki (2CD)
SKU: RZCM-59438
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Regular price¥4,180
- 発送予定日:Purchases before the release date: Shipped by the release date / Purchases after the release date: Shipped in 1-4 business days
One of the pioneering female singers and songwriters in Japan, celebrating 40 years of music activity this year大貫妙子This is a 2-CD album featuring covers of classic songs by the pioneering Japanese female singer and songwriter, who celebrates the 40th anniversary of her music career this year!
One of the pioneers of female singers and songwriters in Japanese pop music大貫妙子and artists from different generations who love her music have gathered to cover Onuki's old and new numbers. The album covers Onuki's old and new numbers. This is a gorgeous 2-disc album with newly recorded songs along with tribute songs, and also with Onuki's famous songs sung in the past, which will be coveted by her fans.大貫妙子This work is filled with the respect and love of many artists celebrating the 40th anniversary of Onuki's return in 2013 and 40th anniversary of his music career. Onuki's masterpieces will be revived!
One of the pioneers of female singers and songwriters in Japanese pop music大貫妙子and artists from different generations who love her music have gathered to cover Onuki's old and new numbers. The album covers Onuki's old and new numbers. This is a gorgeous 2-disc album with newly recorded songs along with tribute songs, and also with Onuki's famous songs sung in the past, which will be coveted by her fans.大貫妙子This work is filled with the respect and love of many artists celebrating the 40th anniversary of Onuki's return in 2013 and 40th anniversary of his music career. Onuki's masterpieces will be revived!
[Disc-1]1. 岡村靖幸+坂本龍一 「都会」
3. やくしまるえつこ 「ピーターラビットとわたし」
4. KIRINJI 「黒のクレール」
5. ハナレグミ 「Happy-go-Lucky」
6. Salyu× 小林武史 「What to do 'cause love you」
7. 宮沢和史 「夏色の服」
8. 寺尾紗穂 「Rain」
9. 奥田民生 「突然の贈りもの」
10. 松任谷由実 with キャラメル・ママ(細野晴臣・鈴木 茂・林 立夫・松任谷正隆) 「色彩都市」
1. 竹内まりや「突然の贈りもの」(1978) 作詞・作曲:大貫妙子 編曲:告井延隆
2. ラジ「風の道」(1979) 作詞・作曲:大貫妙子 編曲:坂本龍一(初CD 化音源)
3. 矢野顕子「海と少年」(1986) 作詞・作曲:大貫妙子 編曲:坂本龍一
4. EPO「横顔」(1987) 作詞・作曲:大貫妙子 編曲:乾 裕樹
5. 薬師丸ひろ子「色彩都市」(1988) 作詞・作曲:大貫妙子 編曲:井上 鑑
6. 中谷美紀「夏に恋する女たち」(1999) 作詞・作曲:大貫妙子 編曲:前田和彦、星野英和、坂本龍一
7. 山弦「蜃気楼の街」(2002) 作詞・作曲:大貫妙子 編曲:山弦
8. 原田知世「色彩都市」(2007) 作詞・作曲:大貫妙子 編曲:伊藤ゴロー
9. 土岐麻子「都会」(2008) 作詞・作曲:大貫妙子 編曲:渡辺シュンスケ
10. 大橋トリオ「突然の贈り物」(2010) 作詞・作曲:大貫妙子 編曲:大橋トリオ
11. 青葉市子「3 びきのくま」(2012) 作詞:大貫妙子 作曲:坂本龍一 編曲:青葉市子
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