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Regular price¥2,619
発売日:August 8, 2007
- 発送予定日:Purchases before the release date: Shipped by the release date / Purchases after the release date: Shipped in 1-4 business days
Penguin Cafe Orchestra World's First Tribute ALBUM!
坂本龍一All the songs are newly recorded with the participation of gorgeous artists such as Yukihiro Takahashi and others!
Penguin Cafe Orchestra" is a British band that debuted in the 70's, and has been mixing all kinds of musical elements. The band has brought together a group of artists to reintroduce the original sound of "healing music," "stateless music," and "environmental music" to the Japanese audience. Ten years have passed since the sudden death of leader Simon Jeffes, and the sound trip has expanded even further! The world's first tribute album featuring covers of classic songs that everyone has heard in commercials and background music is now available. Cover illustration and design by Ed Tsuwaki!
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Yukihiro Takahashi

坂本龍一All the songs are newly recorded with the participation of gorgeous artists such as Yukihiro Takahashi and others!
Penguin Cafe Orchestra" is a British band that debuted in the 70's, and has been mixing all kinds of musical elements. The band has brought together a group of artists to reintroduce the original sound of "healing music," "stateless music," and "environmental music" to the Japanese audience. Ten years have passed since the sudden death of leader Simon Jeffes, and the sound trip has expanded even further! The world's first tribute album featuring covers of classic songs that everyone has heard in commercials and background music is now available. Cover illustration and design by Ed Tsuwaki!
Movie comments have arrived! ■□■ Movie Comment!

Yukihiro Takahashi

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