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Regular price¥2,096
発売日:December 8, 2010
- 発送予定日:Purchases before the release date: Shipped by the release date / Purchases after the release date: Shipped in 1-4 business days
Carbon Offset CD
The picture book "The Bear's School", a huge breakout hit, is being made into a movie for the first time! As part of our monstrous character business, we are releasing the soundtrack for the movie!
The picture book series "The Bear's School" has sold more than 1.5 million copies in total and is now being made into a movie for the first time as "The Bear's School - Jackie and Katie". The overall music for the film will beコトリンゴwas also in charge of the play's narration. Jackie and Katie" with Ayu Matsuura, the voice actress of Jackie.コトリンゴand "Kuma no Ko Jackie no Uta," a duet song under the name "Kuma no Ko Jackie no Uta" with Ayumi Matsuura, the voice actress of Jackie,コトリンゴThe album also includes "falalafala," the theme song for the movie, and 17 songs including a piano instrumental song from the movie, and is filled with the world view of "The Bear's School. The album also comes with a tote bag featuring the motif of "The Bear's School" as a collaboration with fashion brand "Rope' Picnic".
The picture book series "The Bear's School" has sold more than 1.5 million copies in total and is now being made into a movie for the first time as "The Bear's School - Jackie and Katie". The overall music for the film will beコトリンゴwas also in charge of the play's narration. Jackie and Katie" with Ayu Matsuura, the voice actress of Jackie.コトリンゴand "Kuma no Ko Jackie no Uta," a duet song under the name "Kuma no Ko Jackie no Uta" with Ayumi Matsuura, the voice actress of Jackie,コトリンゴThe album also includes "falalafala," the theme song for the movie, and 17 songs including a piano instrumental song from the movie, and is filled with the world view of "The Bear's School. The album also comes with a tote bag featuring the motif of "The Bear's School" as a collaboration with fashion brand "Rope' Picnic".
[収録曲]●くまのこジャッキーのうた/ジャッキーとコトリンゴ ※イメージソング
●falalafala/コトリンゴ ※主題歌
他 ピアノインストゥルメンタル含む全17曲収録予定
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